Soul Care Workshop
(Join live or access recordings and chat at any time.)
Soul Care Workshops
Join me for a special 3-hour workshop on spiritual tools and how to use them in practical, effective, magical ways!
For these special classes, I’ll draw on the knowledge I’ve gleaned from giving thousands of psychic readings to people all over the world, as well as 35 years of being a spiritual seeker myself.
Whether you get intuitive sessions with me, read my books, use my oracle decks, work with my daily self-love calendar, or subscribe to my free newsletter and YouTube channel, I hope you enjoy this extra time with me.
The Next Soul Care Workshop…
“Channeling Creativity”
Who: Join me as your guide and facilitator, plus other spiritual seekers holding space in the audience—or saying hello in the group chat.
What: Learn techniques for getting in the creative flow, increasing your creative output, and enjoying the process from the author of 9 nonfiction books, 3 oracle decks, and an annual self-love calendar. We’ll discuss your creative practice from both a practical and spiritual perspective. Ideal for professional creatives in any field, people wanting to develop and launch a new creative offering, and sensitive people who are nurtured by creative hobbies. Creativity is something that comes from us…and also something that comes through us.
When: Sunday March 9 at 3 PM US CENTRAL
Where: On Crowdcast—join live or watch/listen later.
Price: $22
Class Description:
Join me for this 2-3 hour workshop, followed by a Q&A session, where I’ll discuss creativity and how we can each access more of our own unique creative genius. Creativity is a spiritual pursuit as when you’re immersed in a creative project you’re tapping into the deepest parts of yourself—like your soul—to birth something entertaining, healing, and original for yourself and others. This class covers getting into a creative flow, navigating creative blocks, and approaching creative projects as a sacred pursuit. Whether you’re a longtime professional creative or just beginning a new creative hobby, ask questions or share your own insights! You might be a painter, writer, dancer, cook, or craftsman—whatever creative medium is close to your heart, you’ll discover valuable takeaways in this class.
Tanya has been a professional writer for over 25 years and a regular contributor to for almost a decade. She’s the author of nine nonfiction books, three oracle decks, and an annual self-love calendar. She has worked with the biggest publishers in the world, like Simon & Schuster and Hachette, as well as many well-respected independent publishers. In this enlightening workshop, Tanya shares how she creates so much content so quickly (her highest-selling book to date was written in just two months) and how she manages to have so much fun doing it! A creative project might need your attention for a day or for several years—find out how to stay inspired, focused, and energized in the process.
When we’re creating with a mindful, loving intention, we channel grace into the world through our creative output. That’s because creativity comes from us yet it’s also a divine, benevolent force coming through us. Learn to trust that creative force to show up for you, and learn to trust yourself to bring it forward. Sensitive people often enjoy solo creative hobbies as a way to connect with joy and peace—and regulate their nervous systems. Find out how to cater your creative practice to do just that!