Intuitive Readings with Tanya

**Special Announcement, Read First**

I have officially extended my sessions to 90 minutes, so we have plenty of time to look at everything going on with you. Price is the same.

Love, Tanya

Hello! I’m a professional intuitive who has given thousands of readings to clients all over the world. I use the four clairs or main psychic pathways to help you understand your past and navigate your present and future. I will be hearing, seeing, knowing, and feeling guidance. I work mainly with angels and often receive information from loved ones who have passed. I use oracle cards as well.

The guidance a client gets in these readings is both big picture as well as detailed, very practical advice. There is at least one, “Wow, how did you know that?” moment in each session, usually several. But these readings go beyond this: I am not here to impress you… I am here to try and help you. I will not shy away from difficult subjects but I have a very gentle, loving touch. Most of all we will both have fun in this reading, and the client will come away with a lot to ponder. 

The information shared in a reading is confidential, and I do recommend being in a private place where you can shut the door during your reading so you feel comfortable to speak freely. If you are based in the US or Canada, we’ll do the session via phone on a conference line. For international clients, this will be a Zoom audio session.

What does it mean when an intuitive says they see something specific happening in your future during a reading? It means they are being given information that this is a strong possibility for the future. The future is a combination of things that are destined, your free will, the free will of others, and also a larger world that is constantly in flux and changing. You should always run any guidance through your own filter of common sense, intuition, and your experiences in the world.


***These readings are not a substitute for professional medical, legal or financial advice.  Readings predict possibilities for the future, like a weather forecast, but are not a guarantee of specific outcomes.

***You will receive an MP3 recording of your reading within 1 week of the session.

***For legal reasons, I must state that these readings are for entertainment purposes only.


$235 for a 90-minute reading. (You can give me 2 or 3 issues to meditate on beforehand. I meditate on you for 20 minutes before even getting on the phone.)

***A portion of proceeds go to support these charities: PBS, Mercy Corps, Children International, and The Nature Conservancy.




“From moment one of my intuitive reading with Tanya, I felt comfortable and safe. She is gentle, kind, reaffirming ­– and so, so accurate! I am going through a transition phase, and Tanya immediately tuned into specific areas in my life where I have had big questions. She gave sound advice that immediately made sense to me. Without a doubt, I felt the support of Higher Beings and more connected to loved ones who have passed. What a beautiful Gift Tanya has! I feel more hopeful, grounded and confident about my path forward. Time spent with her is invaluable and I highly, highly recommend her to fellow seekers.”
Mary, Virginia Beach

“My reading with Tanya was spot on. From her first initial moments of the reading she tapped into the topic of a conversation I had with my daughter just a few hours before we spoke. Every card she pulled was meaningful in my life and verified thoughts, feelings and experiences that I had for the last month leading up to our conversation. I felt a new sense of peace and felt looked after by my angels. After the reading I felt like I was more in the flow, had an increase in synchronicities, felt closer to loved ones who have passed on, and even think I had an angel sighting! Looking forward to talking with her again!”
—Jen, St. Louis, Missouri

“Wow. Just…wow. This reading blew my mind. Tanya told me things about my life she could not have known before the reading, and tapped into so many places in my life that were sore or needed attention. Although this was our first session she made me feel really comfortable and safe, so I was able to open up and share things I hadn’t initially planned to. I got concrete guidance about how to look at situations differently and move forward with them, ideas that I hadn’t come up with on my own before the reading that I know will help. I got chills and goosebumps several times in the reading, and I got teary a few times too! We also laughed. It was a good mix of heavy and fun. The reading really shifted things for me and gave me A LOT to think about.”
—Rebecca, San Francisco, California

“I had been mourning the death of a close loved one for two years when I met with Tanya, feeling desperate to receive messages from him. I had looked into visiting with other clairvoyants, but all were too expensive. Tanya was recommended by a trusted friend, was affordable, and astonishingly accurate. The loved one I was grieving came through to her immediately—she identified him by one of his tattoos—and the very clear, specific messages Tanya was able to pass on lifted a weight from me that I thought I would be shackled to forever. I cannot recommend a reading with Tanya enough. Something shifted very palpably for me after my reading and my healing process has advanced immeasurably. Thank you, Tanya.”
—Jane, New York, New York

“Since moving into our newly built home 3 years ago, we had been having issues with a ghost (or what Tanya instructed us to think of as a “lost soul”) in the house. Myself and two of my daughters were being affected. A few of our overnight visitors even had a visit from this wandering spirit! I was often scared and nervous at night and my youngest was being woken up most nights. A friend of mine told me to contact Tanya, and said that she may be able to help. I thank Tanya and the Angels for empowering me and my daughters with the tools we needed to get the soul to move on into the light, to heaven. Tanya helped me understand why the soul was in our house and exactly what we needed to do to help her. She also sent her Ghostbusting Angels in to assist us! Tanya helped me every step of the way. I would contact her when we were having an especially difficult time and she would walk me through what I needed to do. I only had one session with Tanya and the Angels and just one week after that session my house finally felt normal. I am happy to say that this is the first time my house has been quiet since moving in—for the first time I feel like it’s mine!”

“Tanya’s expertise is unparalleled. I found out a plethora of information during my reading. When I asked her about my past lives, I also discovered why I feel an affinity to certain things and places. She covered many different areas of my life and answered the many questions I had along the way. What a terrific reading.”
—Maruska, Connecticut

“My reading from Tanya was a true blessing. She is a full-blooded healer with a gorgeous heart who is truly doing what she does best and loves with these Angel Readings. The combination of her psychic abilities and the Angel Oracle Cards is truly magical. Her years studying the angel realm and working with angels, spirit guides and ascended masters herself have made her a rich source of guidance. She took time before the reading to settle into my energy which meant she was flying right out of the gate! I came away from the reading with specifics about an archangel and a spirit guide to call upon, concrete action steps to bring my energy into harmony, and solid direction and guidance about how to move forward in several diverse areas of my life. Tanya was also able to hone in on the underlying subconscious root of problems I have struggled with for decades, which was a revelation to me. I left the reading with a renewed sense of hope and vitality. I have been to other intuitives and have never had an experience as powerful and positive as this. I was telling her about a job opportunity that was coming up, someone I had never worked with before, and not only did Tanya give me information on what to expect from this new client but she guessed the client’s first name on the first try! Tanya is gentle yet firm, meaning she is kind and yet doesn’t sugar coat or tell you what you want to hear, but what is best for your higher self to know. I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and comfort from my reading and cannot recommend her highly enough. A gifted and exceptionally insightful reading and reader. I have already passed her name on to friends and family.”
—Amy, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Tanya leads an INCREDIBLE workshop. I co-led a workshop with her recently and she made the difference in this workshop being effective. As participants were sharing in a group setting what they found challenging or where they felt stuck, Tanya was able to offer guidance and insight that was spot-on for each individual. Every single person left comforted, validated and with insight and guidance that helped them immediately. Tanya also did a reading for me and she offered insight and clarity in two specific areas of my life. She shared with a compassion and openness that gave me the confidence to deal with these situations right away. Tanya has a unique talent and she is the real deal. I would recommend her to anyone looking for a reading!”
—Elani, Brooklyn, New York

“Tanya was wonderful! She answered all my questions and did it with clear, rapid-fire distinction, but also infused compassion and emotion into my reading. Thank you!”
—Starra, California

“I loved speaking to Tanya! She knew things that no one else could have known. Very happy to have spoken to her and will contact her again!”
—A., Canada

“My session with Tanya was much better than I had hoped for. I’ve had a lot of readings over the years and this was one of the best. She is very intuitive and compassionate. Tanya said things that I didn’t realize I felt until she said them to me! I felt safe to share very personal details about myself with her, but she also kept it light and fun with times of laughter.”
—Jeff, New York

“I appreciated Tanya’s honest yet gentle manner and openness. She didn’t judge me at all and was very positive. She has a modern and ‘with it’ approach. She’s not over the top but still very on point with her observations. She really got me and understood where I’m coming from…completely. Thank you!”

“I really enjoyed my session with Tanya. I loved the energy. I was very at ease and felt at home somehow.”
—J., Holland

“In an hour Tanya cleared up a lot of lingering things for me and some things I didn’t even know I needed to hear! I sincerely appreciate her gift.”
—Amy, Colorado

“First off, Tanya is such a kind and easy-going person. She immediately made me feel comfortable. My reading was awesome—I’ve never had my guardian angels come through with other intuitive readings before in such detail. She was able to tell me how many angels I had and their names too. They definitely watch over me as the information she said was so accurate. An example: When we discussed my weight loss goals and issues, Tanya said she was being told a number (current weight) and when she said it, it was my exact weight number, not a pound or 3 off but the exact number! Surprised me in a good way. Not only did the reading give great clarity and put me at ease, she also provides guidance and understanding throughout. This was especially the case when discussions about my mom and dad came up. Her advice, which I put to work shortly after the reading, worked well and I am grateful to her for it. I’m ridiculously excited for my future and my reading with Tanya further enhanced my excitement and gave me the boost I needed and confirmation that everything is going to plan. I highly recommend the 90 min reading for 1st timers as it’s totally worth it. You won’t regret it! I can’t wait to do a 6 month follow up! Tanya is blessed to tap into such an amazing gift so effortlessly.”
—R.J., Bermuda

“It’s been just about three months since I had my reading with Tanya and I really can’t thank her enough for how profoundly beautiful the experience was and how transformative it has been for me since. Thank you for all of the incredible healing and light work that you do, Tanya!”
—Shannon, California

“I had a great conversation with Tanya. In the days after our session I began to see an amazing increase in angel numbers like 111. We focused on romance in my session, and I have found that since my session people have been more interested in me romantically…and a friend even asked me out on a date. Normally I get really nervous and anxious in romantic situations, but I weirdly feel like I am being guided into a positive situation without expectations. Tanya said I am sensitive and receptive so we probably activated something in me regarding romance during our session together. She also gave me some helpful mantras to use when I get nervous or worried about romance.”
—D.M., Boston

“Thank you again, Tanya, for spending time with me and communicating the messages from my angels today. You have helped bring me awareness, confirmation and optimism about the things that I have been wondering about, had in the back of my mind or had no idea about at all. With this knowledge, I have more clarity on what next steps I would like to take in achieving my balance and other goals. You have a wonderful gift and an amazing ability to bring comfort to a new and foreign experience, since this was the first time I’ve ever gotten an intuitive reading from someone. This is definitely an experience I will cherish and reference for the rest of my life.”
—P., California